Are you seeking after a method of getting rid of belly fat that actually works, but everything you’ve tried has failed to work in the way that you would like? If so, I’d like for you to know that reading my article will help you out with your problem, but be sure to actually take action on the information that I’m about to teach you.
Having excess belly fat is an enormous problem for many of you, and carrying it around for a long length of time may cause you to develop cancer or diabetes. Having too much fat on your midsection will cause your fat tissue to make hormones that will cause your cells to divide, and that is how cancer is brought about: improper cell division which causes cellular mutations.
Anyhow, getting rid of belly fat is not hard when you follow the following tips:
#1: First off, I want to tell you what you already know: you will need to back off of eating fried foods, processed foods, and other fatty items which you KNOW are bad for you!
Instead, replace such items with the right kinds of foods, all of which are: (1) high in lean protein, (2) contain complex carbohydrates that burn fat, (3) contain healthy fats such as Omega-3 and Monounsaturated fat in them, and (4) contain a ton of fiber, vitamins, and minerals inside of them.
#2: Getting rid of belly fat isn’t hard when you know how to boost your metabolism properly. To do this, you’ll have to: (1) eat 4-6 small servings of food instead of 1-3 large helpings, (2) eat a healthy breakfast each morning, (3) get high-quality sleep, (4) perform full body exercises, and (5) drink more water and green tea as well.
When you do the above, your metabolism will be burning fat (instead of storing it) even when you’re asleep every night!
#3: As I’ve stated before, you will have to get rid of stress unless you like looking at that pot belly on your stomach. Whenever you’re stressed out or in a situation that is pretty intense, your body will trigger a hormone that is called Cortisol. When Cortisol is released in excess quantities, it will begin to accumulate (as fat) in the worst area that you can imagine, which is your stomach!
You will have to master your thoughts with this steps, and a good way to do it would be to learn how to master your conscious mind by controlling what reaches your “subconscious mind” (look it up on Google)!
#4: Another technique of getting rid of belly fat fast would be to learn how to cook your own meals instead of always buying them from your favorite store or restaurant! Doing this will bring control right back into your life, as YOU will be the one who decides to eat (or disregard) certain foods from your diet.
Also, I recommend that you bake, grill, or boil your food instead of frying it all the time, as those 3 methods will usually retain the nutrients that are inside of the food.
#5: Instead of doing abdominal crunches only, focus on combining ab exercises with cardio and resistance training instead. When you combine all 3 methods, you’ll be burning fat all over your body, as it’s pretty much impossible to only lose fat on your stomach without losing it everywhere else. These exercises (when performed consistently) will also boost your body’s fat burning capacity as well, if you didn’t know.
#6: Another strategy of getting rid of belly fat is to avoid fad diets, most so-called exercise machines, and the majority of weight loss supplements that are out there today! Usually, these items will only work temporarily while you regain that fat on your body permanently, and that’s not what you and I want! Instead, you’ll have to discipline your mind and body to exercise and eat properly if you want to lose body fat the right way.
#7: Last but certainly not least, write down everything that you do each week, in regards to your belly fat weight loss goals. Write down how much food you’re eating, when you eat it, how much you exercise, what type of exercises you’re doing, and so on. Doing this consistently will let you know if you’re progressing (and losing weight) as fast as you should be, and it also keeps you accountable with yourself as well!