Jul 09
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To fast you need an action plan. Your plan should have two main parts to it; food management and activity management. Food management means paying attention to what you eat, how much of it you eat and when you eat it. This has the biggest impact on your belly fat. It’s not brain surgery it really comes down to eating things that are good for you and avoiding things that are bad for you.
The second part of the plan is managing how and when to move your body. This is the fun part because there are many ways to keep your abdominal active without doing hundreds of boring crunches. You can take up belly dancing or salsa dancing. Both are excellent ways to tighten up your abs and have a great time at the same time. Yoga or Pilates is another relaxing but challenging way that not only strengthens your core but buffs up your whole body as well.
Having a great plan is half the battle. But the real work begins in implementing your plan. You may have the best meal planner in the world and the most interesting and exciting workout routine but if you can’t follow them you will not be successful in your quest to . What you need is accountability and visibility. One way to see how well you are doing is to chart your progress somewhere you will see it. The refrigerator door or the bathroom mirror may be good visual spots to hang your goals, schedules etc.
Another way to make sure you lose that belly fat is to get a support group together.
They can be part of the challenge and you can even have a competition. Or you can just enlist the most important people in your life to give you support in your quest to eat healthier and keep active. Get all the help you can get it so when you go out with your friends they support you in your healthy choices and you don’t feel like an outcast.
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